So... Who Are We?

Hey everyone! I hope you've all had a great time during first semester - whilst the blog hasn't been very active recently; I'm hoping to address that with a little post on this year's committee. An introduction to each of us seems like a good way to get to know the society - as people who all are passionate about fashion, style and creativity, our values come through in all the work we do to make sure you all have a good time with us! If you haven't participated with us this year, then no worries - have a read of who we are, what we do and come along next semester and get involved. With trips to London, more photo shoots and heaps of socials lined up, there's still time to experience the best of what our society has to offer.

So, to get things started:


Our lovely president is a fourth year languages student; and head organiser of everything great we have going on this year. She is full of ideas, is super personable and has crafted the society into the best shape it has been in since creation. Part of the original start-up committee, she has the knowledge and experience of seeing it grow and adapt - and is an irreplaceable president for 2015.


Zoe is another member that has been with the society for some time. A third year English student and worker at Pandora, she's outgoing and a lot of fun, and always there to answer any questions you might have as yourVice President.


Hello! That's me! I joined fashion society as I've been involved in the industry for the past 3 years as a model. I work both with agencies and free lance; and have experience in a range of fields and looks - I'm more than happy to point anyone in the right direction if interested. At university, I'm a BA Film and English student in my second year; meaning writing and blogging are pretty much what I do all the time anyway. What a life I lead.


Our only boy on the committee this year! Another fourth year languages student and email extraordinaire, Will has loads of ideas and is Anna's right hand man when it comes to organising shoots, speaking to society members and prop/clothes picking. He is also out mascot for showing guys can do fashion and modelling too, seems it has been a very female-dominated society for some time; so any potential men out there interested - message Will if you'd like any insider info.


Jess is our Winchester representative - as a second year Fashion Marketing student, she's also our main port of call for all academically related fashion ...things. She did one year at Southampton uni for English originally, so has proven her passion for all things fashion by taking the plunge and changing course. All things social-media related come from her, so keep an eye out on our sites for any bits and pieces alongside general updates.


Sorting all things social, Hannah is where all the fun stuff comes from. Look out for the links she's made with Junk and other popular nights - discounts and drinks galore!


Polly is ANOTHER fourth year languages student - seems to be a trend this year. She handles the money and is known for her wonderful mane of hair. Seriously. Just look at it.

So that's everyone. Look out for us on campus, say hello, and have some fun with us this year in the society. Hope to see you all soon - FashSoc Love! xox

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